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Passenger Policy


Eating, drinking or smoking is NOT permitted on the buses.


Riders are permitted to take on the bus anything they can fit in the seat; otherwise, riders will be required to pay for an additional seat.


Fares must be paid when boarding the bus NOT departing the bus. Exact change is required. Drivers will not provide change.


All passes must be shown to the driver each and every time a rider boards the bus. Senior Citizens must show PA Senior Citizens LATS I.D. card when boarding the bus.


Cannot ride on the bus more than one triparound without paying another fare. Neither loitering nor soliciting on the buses is permitted.


Shoes and shirts must be worn at all times.


Please refrain from talking to a bus operator while the bus is in motion. Be courteous to your driver and fellow passengers.


Only service animals with the proper I.D. tags are permitted on the buses. The animal cannot occupy a bus seat and must be on a leash. Pets are not allowed.


Vandalism or graffiti to seats and other portions of the buses is subject to fine and/or prosecution.

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